Me on a daily basis (when trying to write) |
Etymology with Mr. Hill
Composition/W131 with Mrs. Christopherson
and Journalism with Mr. Kuhn
You know, in some way, I think I dug myself into is hole.
No doubt about it. I did. It's all my fault.
Well, not a fault, necessarily. I mean, I just like English--more so than most people. . .
I always have. It's my passion. Ever since elementary school, I delighted in the creative writing projects that were rarely handed out. The chance to express yourself outside of the constraints of a perceived box--a liking that seems to be dying out lately.
I wrote a poem about this once. The loss of creativity among teenagers my age. And you know what?
I'm done fighting it. I can't help the fact that they have adhered themselves to boxes and limits. Best to just move on and create what I want to create rather than trying to make someone into something they are not.
Besides, that's just wasting my time. Time that should be spent writing, rather than being spent on trifles. . .
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