Exercise 7 - Spend 15 or more minutes outlining the major historical events of the last 100 years before your novel begins.
Prior to the 18th century (Early and Mid 17th century) - The discovery of minerals and precious ores as conduits for technology, the cities developed massive excavation machines, and began to carve into the plains separating the Cities from the Fringe villages. While the operation was a success, it left four vicious scars across the plains, which stand as a reminder of the price of advanced technology. A reminder that is sorely ignored by the cities. At the same time, the ousting of the Blood Harvesters took place, as their killings grew increasingly violent. The Blood Harvesters scattered throughout Castravia, but some believe they still haunt the land. They are right to fear them . . . for the threat is truly alive, and very real indeed . . .
1700 - At the turn of the century, breakthroughs in technology were astounding: The discovery of controlled currents made widespread electricity possible through street lamps, which were soon commonplace in the cities, machines replaced animal and human labor, freeing up more time for philosophical thought and the arts. At this time, opportunities for would-be inventors were at their peak . . .
1713 through present - Thirteen years after this period of industrial revolution, the Fringe villages started suffering from plagues and diseases. At first, these occurrences were rare. But as time moved on, the plagues became more and more common. The symptoms became more violent as well, and since nobody knew how to combat these sicknesses, those that caught it could do little more than wait for death . . .
1715 - The emergence of the Blood Harvesters. Fringe villages suffer from these attacks, where villagers would go missing overnight, accompanied by vicious and terrifying screams. Calls for help to the Cities are rarely answered, and the Fringe villagers become excruciatingly cautious and self-sufficient because of this . . .
1715 - News of the plagues reach the Cities, accompanied with the appeals for help regarding the Blood Harvesters. Those invested in the profession of Doctor band together in order to aid the Fringe villages in dealing with the plague. They are seen as "gutless sympathizers" by some in the cities, who believe that if the Fringe villages have it so bad, they could come to the Cities, where all is perfect. A viewpoint that is sorely ignorant of the reality of the matter. Their efforts are wholly self-funded, which unfortunately, cuts into the cost of their equipment. Their efforts are equally seen as pointless by the higher-ups in the Cities . . .
1750 - The main protagonist is born, the bright and curious-eyed son of a doctor and his mistress, who served in the establishment where he worked. He is raised within the walls of his father's workplace, and is introduced to the doctor profession at an early age . . .
1775 - Over the next generation, technology in the Cities grows tremendously, while the Fringe villages slowly begin to fade away. The efforts of the Doctors Union have saved some villages, but the vast majority of the Fringe villages went unaided, not due to lack of compassion, but lack of equipment and time . . .
1776 - Our story begins, as our protagonist has been hired as a traveling doctor for a merchant caravan striking out into the Fringe villages . . .
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