"Humanity is slowly shutting down" - Jesse Hasek, 10 Years

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

30 Days of World-Building - Day 28 - Left Out

Exercise 28 - Spend 15 minutes thinking about two or three of any left over topics that haven't been covered in any of the previous exercises.

Clothing - Most common people who work for their living do so in semi-comfortable breeches and tunics, with belts, hats, cloaks, and other accessories as necessary. Seldom do they attempt to woo anybody with their clothing. In higher societies such as Valthiem, Aloren, and Brel, the upper class take to adorning their already high-style clothing with numerous gemstones, both practical and impractical. If overdone, this can make them seem prideful, no matter how important they truly are. However, apart from a few exceptions, the typical formula is: More gemstones = More influence and power.

Disease Treatment & Medicine - Touched on briefly during the recent history post, the main source of medicine and healing comes from the Church of Elohim, the goddess of healing and good fortune. Most cities and villages, especially those west of the Chador mountains, have access to a shrine/church of Elohim. Clerics and medicine men work out of these establishments, and use both mixtures of potions and salves as well as magic to heal injuries. As part of their code, they only use their magic when people are severely injured, and would not be able to live properly otherwise.

Clerics and the Shadow-Taint - A modern phenomenon among the realm of Cordaire, these few men and women are sorcerers who have somehow severed their ties to the Shadow Realm. For those afflicted with the taint, this often results in death, as the taint infects an entire body, and in a sick twist of fate, is the only thing keeping the afflicted alive. However, for the few that survive, the process is truly life changing. If the once-afflicted person worshiped a particular deity, that deity would accordingly appear to them in a vision, and instead of carrying them over, blesses them and names them an emissary of their faith. Additionally, the person is blessed with certain abilities given to them by the deity. Thus, the clerics of Elohim being able to heal injuries with a simple touch.

Treatment of Elderly - In most societies, the elderly are held in high respects. Their family and friends are deemed socially responsible for their well-being, and must tend to them, or be regarded as heartless and cruel. For the most part, the elderly appreciate this treatment, and do their best to return the favor. But in the cold northern mountains, the elderly are not so accepting of the aid. For them, growing up in the harsh world was a part of life, and in a society where personal merit and pride are readily prevalent, bowing out and letting the younger generation take over is considered weak. In fact, it is considered to be an insult to ask an elderly person if they need help.

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