"Humanity is slowly shutting down" - Jesse Hasek, 10 Years

Friday, November 4, 2011

The City of Gears

(An original poem by Ty Thomas)

Alive, but dying
Free, but shackled
United, but torn
unreal reality

The black ash billowed towards the sky
The gears and pistons pounding
They wander the city roads, mindless
unaware of all around them

The heart, three large and strong
the lynch pin of our world
should it fail, and cease to beat
we all shall fall, we all shall die

We fight to keep it turning
and thus, we have survived
We've lost ourselves, we've lost our minds
We've even lost the heavens

But as it turns, nobody knows
we go about our lives
unaware of what we've lost
unaware of all the costs

We see the heart, we call it good
it turns to keep us breathing
its' patterns blind us, keep us hidden
from the truth behind the facade

The gears, they turn, three large, three strong
dictating our lives right in front of our eyes

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