"Humanity is slowly shutting down" - Jesse Hasek, 10 Years

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sleep Eludes Me

Finally found a picture, and it doesn't even make sense... 

Yes, I know what you are thinking right now. Self-proclaimed Psychic, Ph.D.

"Ty! Why are you up so late?!"

Well, let's rundown a list, shall we?

1. Blood Drive tomorrow? No
2. Test tomorrow? Not a major one
3. Stressful day? Not really
4. Feeling sick? Was Tuesday, am not now

Yeah, I that's all the reasons I could think off.

But no, in all seriousness, I've been up really, really, really late writing my story. I am taking part in the annual event known globally as NaNoWriMo (for those of you who are less geeky, that stands for National Novel Writing Month). It is simply a program that challenges you to write 50,000 words over the course of a month. Now, most people would look at that and think, "OMGeezus! That is impossible!" And to some respects, it is. In fact, from personal experience, I will say that it is pretty dang hard. But no, not impossible.

For the last two times I've attempted this, I've failed. Miserably. A veritable, boiling soup pot of terrible.

But not this time. I may not reach 50,000. But I will sure try. So goes the Girl Scout motto my sisters so frequently used to quote, "On my honor, I will try." Compared to the Boy Scouts, whose motto stands, "On my Honor, I will. . . "

But that debate is another topic in its entirety. Ask me about it, and you'll get about a two minute rant. It's loads of fun. Trust me. *winky face*

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