"Humanity is slowly shutting down" - Jesse Hasek, 10 Years

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

30 Days of World-Building - Day 14 - Education

Exercise 14 - So, what kind of educational system does your society use? Decide what kind of schooling is available in your world. Decide how your characters have been educated, and in what kinds of subjects. And don't focus so much on their specialty that you forget that they're people.

Hadrian Devetyn Benet (Protagonist) - A young thirteen year-old who can't seem to focus his ravenous curiosity into his studies. He possesses simple street knowledge, and excels at survival skills, but has difficulty focusing on book-learning and history. In his mind, the only thing that matters is the present. What is past, is past. What is done, is done. There is no changing the past, so best to move on and embrace the present. Much to his grandparent's behest, he dodges his lessons almost daily and rarely focuses when he is caught by Tomas.

Tomas Gerridon III (Sub-Protagonist) - A scholar at the University of Brel, Tomas was inherently blessed with his intellect. The only son of two University professors, he was raised within the walls of the University. From a young age, he nurtured a love for natural creatures, and kept extensive notes on anything and everything that he could find. But his parents wished for him to study history instead, and they railed him enough until he regrettably switched his focus. But he still nurtures a love for the more magical side of history, and he lives for the day that he can truly pursue his true passion as a Wayfinder - one who records notes about the various creatures of the realm and reports their findings to the University for collection into anthologies.

Kasova & Lithar Education - Education in Kasova and Lithar is prevalent in the more developed cities. The rural communities teach the local children their basics as well, but not nearly to the extent that students in large school-houses learn. Essentially, if you can pay, you can afford the education. If not, you have to make do with what you can get, which unfortunately in most cases, isn't much at all. Most parents consider their children blessed if they are able to attend classes at the local Temple of Elohim.

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