Exercise 11 - Expand on one area of the culture you've created for your world. We have a bare-bones timeline, the bare-bones elements of a language, the bare-bones of an economic and political scene. Today, select one of these areas to flesh out: History, Economics/Politics, or Names/Language.
Economics/Politics - Write a 1-paragraph description of each major political body and name them now so you can refer to them as needed later. If you want, take extra time and write one sentence about how 3 of your groups (the 3 most important groups) feel about all the other groups.
Coalition of Eastern Provinces (Kasova) - A collection of provinces that stretches from the Chador mountains to the eastern shores of Cordaire. Each province is free to elect their rulers in any fashion they wish, but the more violent forms of take-over are generally frowned upon by society. The provinces enjoy trade between each other, and generally have friendly relations between each other as well.
- The University of Brel - The centerpiece of Brel, this immense college stands as a symbol of knowledge and power throughout the continent. Every scholar of reasonable merit longs for the day to visit the vast libraries that lie within. Most sorcerers throughout Cordaire once found themselves training within the walls of the university. While not an official political body, the wisdom of Headmaster Grecian and other advisers is often consulted in major events.
- The Blitani - A loose organization of especially talented sorcerers that are exclusively trained at the University of Brel. The group was originally formed in order to stave off the onslaught of the Shadow War (see Day 7). After the war, the group remained as a power symbol of the University, and the elite sorcerers often serve as magical advisers to soldiers and nobles.
New Kingdom Alliance (Lithar) - The numerous provinces west of the Chador mountains have been assembled under one banner: a silver phoenix on a sea of blue. Ruled by the Venerable Empress Liliana, Daughter of Aurelia, the New Kingdom Alliance is a prosperous, hopeful, and unfortunately, arrogant nation. They've been locked in a stalemate with the South-Western tribes over land disputes, and find themselves torn apart from within . . .
- The Royal Protectorate - A puppet group under the strict control of the nobles of Valthiem, this elite group of soldiers serve to protect the royal families of the city. While they are an accomplished group, they are nevertheless ridiculed. Many of the less-fortunate have deemed them as glorified mercenaries, who are only protecting the rich because of the occurring windfall.
- Church of Elohim - The most prominent temple of Elohim, the clerics and healers that reside inside its' walls dedicate themselves to the betterment of life among the common man. One of the driving forces behind the repelling of the demons of the Shadow War (see Day 7), the church has nearly doubled in size, and many smaller churches have been built, in honor of the grace of Elohim, the goddess of life and good fortune.
- The Tradesmen Union of Valthiem - With vast markets and opportunities comes traders. And with traders come other traders. Before the city was barely standing, numerous vendors and merchants attempting to barter away their wares in Valthiem. When the city grew immensely, and the customers also came in greater numbers, they met in a loosely correlated group, and formed this minor union. When trade becomes difficult, they approach the king, and offer their thoughts on what could be done about the problem.
Colonies of Shie'vea - Influenced by both the free system of Kasova, and the connectivity of Lithar, the Island nation-colonies of Shie'vea have fashioned their own system of government. While each colony is free to do what they will, they all must answer to the leader of the colonies when things go awry.
- The Shie'vean Naval Academy - (Not important right now. Maybe in a sequel? . . .)
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