Exercise 8 - For five minutes, make a few notes on your map to mark places that have more of a type of resource, and jot down anywhere that has definite deficit of something needed. When you're done with the resources, take another ten minutes to identify which major groups in your civilizations care about which resources.
South-Eastern Region - Thrives off of the farming trade, and produces many of the animal furs and other accessories that are seen throughout the Eastern Provinces. They possess access to the basic necessities for life, and few battles have been fought for control of these resources, save for minor civil battles during the Shadow War (see Day 7).
North-Eastern Region - A self-sufficient society that tends to stick to the heavily forested areas at the foot of the Chador Mountains, they survive as hunters and tribal alchemists. The numerous herbs within the mysterious forest, as well as their connection with the fey, helps bolster this growing practice.
Middle Region - Tradesmen at their best, the cities of the New Kingdom would be nothing if not for the vast network of trade that spreads throughout the kingdom. Minor access to resources such as lumber and farmland exists, but is meticulously kept private by most land-owners. Therefore, they care about whatever resources they can get, and numerous battles have been fought between the Middle Provinces over fertile land and clean water.
South-Western Region - Most resources are hard to come by in the swamps and dunes of this region. The tribal groups that inhabit this region manage to eek out a living among fertile patches of land within these jungles, but they must depend upon trade to deliver what they can't get on their own. Since trade with the Middle Region has been negated, they decided to offer what goods they could produce - such as exotic potions and fascinating artwork - to the seafarer's of the Southern Islands.
Northern and North-Western Regions - The trade market of the rugged highlands of the north is driven by the fur trade, and most societies hold the profession of hunter/tanner/leather-maker in high honors. They must import lumber and other basic necessities from the Middle Region every so often, but most are able to provide for themselves fairly well.
Southern Islands Region - Similarly trade-dependent, the people of the Southern Islands import most of their resources, including clean water for drinking. Springs of fresh water are hard to come by on the islands, and are jealously guarded by those who can find them. Without the trade market, the people of the Southern Islands would be severely impeded.
Mountainous Regions - Any society that manages to survive in the cold mountains is not in for a life of luxury. Mining in most of the cities is the top priority, and most cities' survival hinges on the mining trade. Most mountain cities also face the threats of goblins and giants that wander the mountains in nomadic, hunter-gatherer groups. By trading away the vast amounts of ore and ingots that are produced in the forges, they are able to acquire the basic necessities such as lumber, food, and clean water.
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