Exercise 6 - Spend 10 minutes figuring out what people who evolved in each major area of your world would look like. Then spend another 5 minutes asking "what if this group encountered that group?" Would they fight? Trade? Both? Inter-marry and blend their genetic types? Would they remain largely separate, with pure strains of both racial groups co existing (not necessarily peacefully)? How would that encounter be brought about in the first place?
South-Eastern Region (SE) - Rustic appearance, broad shoulders, naturally tanned skin, sunlit hair (blonde/brown), dark eyes
North-Eastern Region (NE) - Rustic appearance, traditional society, bordering on tribal, strong build, lighter skin (due to shade), hair is traditionally worn long, natural eye colors (green, amber, brown, light blue, etc.) (Co-exist with the fey and other creatures)
Middle Region (M) - Civilized or rustic appearance (based on upbringing), average build, skin color (typically tanned for lower-class and lighter for nobles and lords), hair color, and eye color varies (Not purebred race; see notes)
South-Western Region (SW) - Tribal appearance and society, darkened skin and dark eye colors, strong threatening build, dark brown to black hair is commonly cropped short for both men and women (see notes)
Northern & North-Western Regions (NW) - Widespread society with varying appearances, strong and resilient build, skin and eye color varies depending on location, hair color varies, but is typically worn long among both men and women, as a natural defense against the cold, men native to the region also grow thick body hair earlier than other races
Southern Islands Region (SI) - Traditional mariner society, narrow and limber build, tanned skin and light eye colors, lightened hair, especially among the seafarers, length can vary, typically cut short for seafarers, but that depends on the seafarer's captain
Mountainous Regions (MM) - Tribal widespread societies nestled in and around remote mountain valleys, strong and broad build, light and rough skin and varying eye and hair colors, thick hair with varying dark colors, men native to the peaks also grow thick body hair (co-exist with various goblin and giant races within the mountain ranges)
Chain of Relations -
SE trades with M, SI, and tentatively with NE, neutral in terms of war and typically isolated from conflict
NE trades occasionally with SE, fights with MM tribes when their land is threatened
M trades with SE, SI, and NW, fights with SW tribes over westward expansion
SW rarely trades with SI seafarers, fights M to defend their land
NW trades with M and civilized MM societies, fights against MM tribes and zealous M expansionists
SI trades with SE, M, and rarely with SW, removed from mainland wars, fights with seafaring pirates, etc.
MM sometimes trades with NW, tribal skirmishes against NW, fights with NE over eastern expansion
(Sorry if this was hard to follow. It will all make sense later. I hope.)
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