"Humanity is slowly shutting down" - Jesse Hasek, 10 Years

Monday, February 20, 2012

30 Days of World-Building - Day 12 - What If

Exercise 12 - Write down the snippets and images that you already know you want in your story. Some of these might be thins you have already decided on as convenience items; things you want in there to help drive the plot forward and eliminate certain inconveniences as a storyteller. Next ask yourself the hardest question of all. "What if?" Drill down on the big things and the details, decide what would happen if they work one way vs. another. Chances are, you'll find there are speculative elements that you need in your story to support or limit the power of the ones you've already created.

Snippets and Images

Young hero, in the company of his mentor, travels to the city of Brel.

Young hero manifests wild magical talent (a rare gift among sorcerers).

Dark creatures hunt the hero, almost capture him, but permanently scar him.

Young hero is separated from mentor by a landslide caused by an angered dragon.

Young hero finds himself pursued through the mountains by said dragon.

Saved by a remote group of nomadic warriors (deus ex machina!).

and so on . . .

"What if . . . ?"

What if magic could only be performed by those tainted by the Shadow Realm?

- How would one become tainted? Could the taint be obtained purposefully? Are their long-lasting consequences? Is there a cure?

What if dragons could weave powerful spells to make themselves appear human?

- Would these disguised dragons breed with humans? What would give away the guise of the dragon? What traits would these "dragon-touched" humans have?

What if soldiers were granted magical gemstones that could aid them in battle?

- Who would make these gems? Enchanters from the University of Brel? How were they first made?

What if the dark creatures (from above) were sorcerers who lost their will to the Shadow Realm?

- Could they be saved? What happened to their physical bodies? Are their souls still alive?

and so on . . .

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